Monday, 29 June 2015


The music subdued by the chatter
Unwavering, I follow the tune

Perfunctory nods to superficial talks
My heart harmonizing with the beats

The world is screaming around me
Yet I smile in my solitude

Friday, 26 June 2015


The day is sprinting, but I'm still
My frenzy has frozen
I'm bewildered

Everything around is a haze , but I'm not in a daze
My mind is lucid
I discover

Unaffected, my core pours out
I am more of me than what I was
I'm free

Thursday, 25 June 2015


When you first encounter emptiness
The vacuum engulfs you
The echoes haunt you

You crave for a space to call your own
Yearn for people you love
And pine for things you relish

But, enjoy the nothingness
Bounce from wall to wall
Frantically imagine and freely create

There are no hurdles to avoid
So don't evade the void

It's time to start anew

Sunday, 21 June 2015


I watch the clouds drift, not the chaos on the streets
I overlook  the shanties and rejoice the lush-green trees
I'm oblivious to the evening shadows  and seep in the light
The light that pierces through  the dark clouds just before it goes out of sight
Little things make me smile in an instant
And you would conclude I'm ignorant
But I live in the bliss of optimism 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Raining Inspiration

You make me fall in love again
and tickle me with my fondest memories
You bring out the child in me

and the life in everything around

You make my heart pour out

and spark my scribbles of poetry
Mighty clouds, you humbly drop down as rains

to achieve your purpose, and lead me to mine

Friday, 5 June 2015

Until I cross the bridge

    Picture Credit: Magazine Hive

Until I cross the bridge

I can run to either side,
Or dive into the sea.
I can fly off and glide,
Or lie down and just be.
Unfazed without a destination,
I'll take my time to make a decision.
I'll live my life on the edge,
Until I cross the bridge.